Our sister site Christchurchnz.info has been busy helping people access information and support services in Christchurch in the wake of the tragedy that took place on 15 March 2019. From information on essential services such as hospitals and fire stations to all the information you need on A United Christchurch including links to counselling services and give a little page donation links.
There are many support services, events, groups and charities all offering help for anyone affected by these tragic events. Christchurchnz.info has gathered all this information in one central place. If you are looking to offer help whether through messages of support or making a donation you can find helpful links and resources on the A United Christchurch page.
To keep up to date with the latest local Christchurch news and information visit the website www.Christchurchnz.info or visit and like the Christchurchnz.info Facebook page to keep up to date with the latest information as it becomes available.