Weekly Special

Super buys from The Meat Company in Kopeopeo

The meat company bring you some super sharp prices

Great deals at the meat company ...

  • Lamb quarter pounder patties ... Get 6 for $10.00  ... And they are big patties !!!
  • Bacon pieces ... 750 grams for $10.95
  • Beef or pork flavoured sausages ... 12   for $10.95
  • Beef and vege casseroles $15.95 a kilo
  • Beef or venison cordon bleu are only $17.50 a kilo
  • This boil up pack ... A kg of pork bones ... Kg chicken pieces ... A kg of spuds ... 1/2 a cabbage and 1/2 a kg of carrots ... All for $17.95 ... Saving $10.00

Now there's some great offers from the meat company in kopeopeo

Special runs from Monday - Saturday

For quality ... Service and prices second to none ... Shop The Meat Company  in kopeopeo

Valid Until

Saturday, July 15, 2023

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